Women entrepreneurship and EU integration challenges

The Foundation for Management and Industrial Research in partnership with the Association of Business Women and the GTF Initiative for Sustainable Growth from Croatia is organizing the final networking conference “Women entrepreneurship and EU integration challenges” and National Council for Women Entrepreneurship (NCWE) celebrating the Women’s entrepreneurship day WED 2018. 
The final networking conference is part of the project "Enhancing contribution and efficiency of women’s entrepreneurship CSOs related to the EU integration reforms in the area of economic policy (“WE-Contribute”)". 
The overall objective of the WE – Contribute project is to improve the civil society response to the EU integration challenges in the field of women entrepreneurship by bringing CSO expertise, resources and experience for complementing state WE-related actions, enhancing civil dialogue and contributing to policy and watchdog initiatives. With the planned activities, the project will address some of the identified challenges and contribute among others to positioning women entrepreneurs and their organizations as one of the key social partners in the EU integration reform processes. More about the project implementation could be found at the project web site following this link: https://wecontribute.mk/
The networking conference will be held on November 19th and November 20th, 2018 at Holiday Inn Hotel, where more than 100 participants will take part, with planned b2b meetings among women entrepreneurs from the region.


  • In two days with 4 conference sessions 
  • With many representatives of different Ministries, institutions, organizations and companies, who will share experience, knowledge and information on specific topics
  • With planned time for B2B meetings


  • Representatives from relevant institutions who want to contribute and support NCWE
  • Policy makers and CSO’s representatives related with WE subject
  • Women and girls - entrepreneurs, start-ups, managers, students and ambitious ones, who want to upgrade their network


  • Get the latest information about WE aspects, trends and innovations in the country and the region
  • Enter into contact with representatives from the institutions
  • Gain the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs and SCOs that support WE
  • Đ•xpand your network of business associates
  • Meet providers of any kind of support and information relevant for WE 
  • Establish contacts for long-term business relationships

The participation of free of charge!


Bilateral Talks

  • Participants51
  • Meetings Requested141
  • Meetings Accepted40


Profile views

  • Before Event853
  • After Event68048


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This project is funded by European Union

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Celebrating Women entrepreneurship day

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Supported by

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